Bureau Forensic Document Examination

Bureau Forensic
Document Examination


A report expresses the findings of the document examiner. Having a clear, concise report from a handwriting analyst that communicates the opinion is a cornerstone in having the truth of your case understood.

There are two types of reports to choose depending on the needs of the case at hand, an Opinion Letter and a Detailed Report.

Opinion Letter


This short report expresses what was asked of the document examiner and what the final opinion was. Reporting with this Opinion Letter is sometimes sufficient for the needs of a case and a Detailed Report can be requested later if needed.

Detailed Report


This comprehensive explanation and illustrated proof of opinion is where the document examiner takes time to illustrate and explain the supporting characteristics and findings of the examination which support the opinion that was rendered.

Often, a well written and comprehensive report can stimulate a decision for a settlement, allowing for a quick case-resolution. Court fees can often be avoided with a quality, detailed report from a handwriting examiner.  

A well-written and well-illustrated report from a document examiner is a crucial part of reporting an opinion. Proper grammar and concise language on the part of the document examiner saves time and money for the client.

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